
According to the International Monetary Fund, Mexico is the 15th largest economy in the world and is expected to be the 5th largest by 2050. The Energy Reform represents one of the major breakthroughs in the Energy Sector in Mexico, giving rise to increased private participation and foreign investment in the industry. However major concerns in the transition to a deregulated market involve complex local laws, corruption, shortages and the high degree of competition between firms.

As private companies begin the process to drill for oil and gas, generate electricity and sell gasoline, talent with high-value knowledge becomes necessary. The Energy Reform is expected to create 135,000 news jobs by 2018 according to the Strategic Human Resources Training Program for the Energy Industry this, combined with an aging workforce and a lack of available talent become an opportunity area for leaders across the world.

Finding, securing and developing the right talent is crucial for an industry in constant pursuit of talent capable of taking on relevant and strategic responsibilities. Contact us now.